Page 132 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 132
l'his yc~r the Spanish Club ha~ been cxtrCnflr_act.i\'C in spon·
soring dances to r.tisc money for Lts annual. b1't np to Cleveland
bfnand for its year·enduct Thftclu£ h ~ also invtted speakers
Span~·Sfrom various
inkl:oumrics to present prognms on the
cultures of d1eir v~riou counmes.
Add;or: Mr. William Wright
Src. · Twas.:Ju i S.:ngcr
Organiung Chai,..,n:Jani<:O'Brien
The French Club is open for membershiP. to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
year students. The purpose of the dub ip to 'l lfcourage interest and
emhusiasm for the F~chjanguagtfSotnc sl~cnrs participate in a
tutoring progr:~m in Elene~ an~ through the sale of candy the dub
hopes 10 buy somctJtfng for the Frcnd1 department at the end of
the year.
Adt'Wr: Mrs. Willi•m J Wrisht
Pmuimt: Eli~obeth Bolro:'
Trtas~<ru: AnncT•ylor