Page 26 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 26

This summer Claudia Freebnd, Cindy Henderson, Ken Griswold, Bob Hersch, Jack Martin. and

Mike Stcbnisky were chosen to represent McDowell High &hool at KeystO?f StltC. With the girls

meeting at Shippensburg State College lnd the boys at Penn State U}livcf~.(tach person became K·
CJUaimcd with students representing high schools from all ~cr tcn~lvama

  . Each ycou the Amcrio.n Legion sponsors this worthy cau@wh~rc each individual is informed of the

duties, rights, privileges, and responsibilities pf being an American cilizcn. But the most important

tpurpose ~f ~CJStonc State MIS to tea~ t't{yo~h of Pennsrlvania a love of country and the mcamng ofV
rruc pamonsm.
tJ:As well as IIJlmWg n£damcmals of our govcmmcm, many members of Keystone State also p:u-

ticipltcd in lilnpalgnirf'g until 1!1 hours of the morning, throwing pizz1 parries, writing spt:cchcs, at·

rending rallJi\nd parades, and making friends. All in all, it was one week of experience rhat will never

be forgotten.
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