Page 262 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 262
One may ponder the reasoning behind the playing his own instrument, but together they
tide of this page. I am stil! pondering its true form bemtiful music. Each of us is di(fercm. All
meaning many months after I decided on its
nam(\ Originally, it was chosen w somehow rep· t\o~~ r\}have something special our school
resent the pit of despair that accompanied being
[would liketo'\ha~ myfatthfulstaffheads;
ou~advisor;Mrs. Williard,
Debbie Breindcl, my
cooped up in a cellar during many weekends in co-editor; and the KALORON m.ff, all of
order w m:~ke a deadline. Although the t~ \\. \,; whom gave of their time and effort to produce
might seem inappropriate now that the dcspa this yearbook.
has been mnsformed into dation, it still pnr I shall leave you with a paraphnsc borrowed
vides a memory w ma'\ ~edicated staff mem- frornoneofrnyteachers:"Whateverapcrsonis,
is what he docs, what he docs, is wh:u he
J-lbers. is." If more of us v..•ere willing to be what we arc
I fcelthafJContrast within the student lxxly'"
is a very signifiunt theme for this )"Carbook and tO be judged on what we do. possibly this
McDowell is like an orchestra. Each student is would be a better world