Page 265 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 265

I love blind dotes, blind dotes love me       thing to love. Joon
Er is! mein, lch bin seine. Pat ond Dove   Fruit and nut forever
Richard Ko:r.ak (The Soilar Boy)           Thin Man ... Alone we lind solitude,

   LOVE-Ernie                                 Together we find love. Thanks.
Furd's cornpotch is destroyed by locusts   Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore
To my Study Hall, educotion is-            Wrongo, wrongo, wrongo!
                                           To a man who hears o different drummer
   voried activity
Jerry United· Peoch and Cherry, 24 hours      drumming.
OuolityMators4823PeochGeoDouglos           Cothi, Jerry, Jane and Rick
                                           A thing is who! it does; what it does
I love Academic physics classes J.A.S.        is who! it is!
Happiness always to my big sister and                  C. Bickford.

   best friend, Susan. (D.A.D.)            Mrs. Debbie Nevmerzyski, congratulations!
Good Luck to Mary Minus - in the fut-      l'msorryMike, lloveJeff.
                                           Hello, I'm horsefoce Mello Al's Philley
   ure developing (Mary's Dial-
   a-Date, 833-4916)                          M.D. & S.D. & J.S.
Rick, I didn't laugh. * Jane               Kanosh, Mnntessi, Perillo, Phyl and Marsha
Sharon, hove fun next year- Becky          Does Superman love Superwoman?
Elaine & Todd · March 14, 1970
Ross, ore you really Jim Merritt?          Jim ,
So what's wrong with girl engineers?          Is it so small o thing to hove enjoyed the
To my John, the house mode us one-            sun, to have lived light in the spring, to hove
   always                                     loved, to hove thought, to hove done?
Jock and Jon Karin and John I love you.                        Cindy
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow-
   C.J .B.                                 Fronk,
Vonillo ice cream on Soturdoy night.
Entire securities into quest their         ...You gave me a line, now I'll give you
Michoel, Plus grand qu'oujourd'hui            one too!
    et moinsque demain, Denise             To Kevin 8.,
McKeon formers do more thon bole hay!
Tom Lane 1 guard and wrestler              It was fun while it lasted! Oct. I, 1968to Aug. 9,
To a swell friend, D.M.
All the world is o fish.                      1970. From Potty W. '71
I do my thing and you do your thing.       Mike & Patti & Deb & Sharon & Dusty & Bonnie?
    I'm not in this world to live up
                                           2 8 e v s 2 l indos,liketheApt.5th&MyrtleWWAJGS
       to your expectations,
    And you're not here to live up         Shore love with someone who cores, Don.

       to mine.                            The Great Foursome Kath Pam Kim Suds
   You ore you and I om I.
    And if by chance we find each          Robin,

       other, it's beautiful.              In the sweetness of friendship
              Frederick Pearls
                                           let there be laughter ond shoring of pleasures.
I love Randy Nyberg forever.
Janet loves Jimmy forever.                 For in the dew of little things the heart
 Kathy or Becky, J.D., make up your
                                           finds its morning and is refreshed
I do love you, even if I can't always                    Heod

    say it.                                To this schoollleove the following:
Dove and Koren, I'm sorry about lost sum·
                                           1. My Dippy Stick
 In memory of Robert Wenstrom              2.MyDress

Strawberry and blueberry forever.          3. My Humor
I om o lover ond I hove not yet found my
                                           4. My Flashy Duds

                                           5. My Funny Hair    The Rock

                                           Ron ond Koren always '7 1

                                           Mr. Schlindwein- Crofts Dept.

                                           Hey E. D. How's the hutch and your bunnies?

                                           Wittenburg-look out, here comes my sister

                                           _ N,cDowell will min you, Robin.

                                           Toko thpomkimondkothywemod eitloveSuds 1971

                                           Mr. and Mrs. David McKelvey

                                           Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterlon
                                           ThankYou,BobyBeor,Denny,lindo,ond Je o n
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