Page 40 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 40
Mrs. Jnn Bodner ell-Mrs. Blair, :secretary tO Mrs. Eliu~lh Dunwoody
Mrs. Ali(c Kuntz Mrs. Ruth Pamin
the princip~l; Mrs. Bodner,
~:sccrctarytotheasst.stant ~Jn·
cipals; Mrs. Pamin, ~~ancc
:sccr~ta~; Mrs. P~~n, re·
cepuontst and~ephone op·
erawr; Mrs.~untz, library
:sccretary;\.a d 1<-lrs. ~un·
woody,~tendance supervtsor
- ~~ an important role in
keeping the school function·
ing smoothly. To these
women we owe our gratitude
for a successful yC<lr
Mrs. RomayncPetcrson Mrs. Rmh Blair