Page 36 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 36
McDowell High School has passed
through another year, during which
it has seen manrchangcs.lnstrumcn·
tal in bringing about these changes
'ttiona! effort to improve effective-
~~:~oi~ :~eg:~oo~:n~~o)-~~: ~:;
only in size, but L"~rriculum and
school activities as~lL Mr. LcMast-
crs'_dutics of su~ision :md adminis-
view p~ctive teacher.;, tO mediate
students, :md to officially represent
the school at :all eduutional conven-
tions, meetings, and workshops. This
year he: helped to bring about the
changes in the social studies curricu-
lum and he works closely with the
teachers in order to make these
changes cffecrivc.