Page 70 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 70

The objecti,·e of the Science Department ~~ f\.kDowell is to1hdp students to understand scientific princ-
iples so th3t they can use them in future life. The J]cpl~Cflt includes Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and
Physical Science, in varying degrl~·s of diffin{hy.(ac~ · tu&m is rcquirc_-d :o take one year of scicn~c in order
to gndu:nc. All courses in science ~ttU.c scLdcnt takes beyond that rt:qmrcmcnt arc cl~cttvc. Thts year, Jx:.

cause of the shoncncd periods, sciC'Il(c teachers have had to replace a lot of their lab pcnods with class dcm-
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