Page 141 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 141
The purpose of the Com-
mercial Club i~ tO h:\f> its
member5 to dcvcloJ!f~w]..
edge of the bu~i(l ~ world
Its advisor i~~ 'W em:ourag-
ing the \.~1 12 r:ncmbers,
:1.1l sel~k~)'o u::C rhts knowl-
cdgc \Qy rcnd cnng their ser-
vices to the school and com·
Adtwr: Hden Prym
Pm.: Donna Nuber
V. Prcr.:Judy Smith
The Girls' Shop provides a place f<ijriris 10 f'¥1~}~'1.10 m:.~kc useful objects from wood and pbsdc. Boys
J.tldr:weyr,J.,t/".nfrom regular industrial :ms cbsY!J1i
their spare time. This. dub gives interested girls
a chance to uy their hand at ayft i .~hid1 ts gencrall)· reserved for the boys
Adrisor: Mr. How.rd G. Freeman
Pmrtknr: B«ky lhrson