Page 146 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 146
!he' A_thkr_ic Club was cre:qed_ro provide 'nl pponunity for girls who a.rc interested i~ sports
to rmprove thetr skdls and c~:Jfr wrrh other Aid\, Several dtfj£rem sports arc covered durmg the
Bl~ktsl~ ~~hnicycu, offcnng variety and gi .-~\\~i~ mcmlxr~~ce 10 ~'\\\h$ sport in wluch she e1tccls.
Adwor. iss ' " ' S«rttary: Dill
~:t,;~~~7~!~c;~~don ~~7::11s':t~~~~~~=~hgConncl
The Pep Club strives
co boost srudent support
of the McDowell athlet-
ic reams. Its members
coopcr.uc with the
cheerleaders at games
and rallies and encour-
age other srudcms ro
participa.!f ~~Chttring
and sir'i8lns the alma
ma ter. ~e cp Club
fre<:juemly cham:rs
buses for our of town
games. They try to im-
prove school spirit
through year-round sup-
port ~md activity
Advioor: Mo. Scmebcrs. P«s.: Tr:~cy ~bucr, V.P.: Nancy Rutkowski. Sec.: Sue Zimmer. Treu.· Korby