Page 143 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 143

4/feThis yc::u Mr. H ill, Mr. ~bier :md the eleven mem~r  Radio Club rendered their_scrviccs to those
in urgem need by employing rhdr short-wave rn~o\ . :6{.1-gcncy comm~nicuions. Dunng the year, the
club had for irs major Oh)cctivc tO get as many 11 ~ operncors on the a1r as possible.

Ad•·isrm: Cnis Hill and John Gebler  W.-TrraJ.: Mike Wamou
Pmidmt: Bnd Robertson                l'ropmy Offirtr: Jim William$
Via-Proidnw Barry Loncck

                                                             ~he Photogf:lphy Club ~r~~·dcs uSC·

                                                          ful mformation to stu~ VJ.* csrcd in

                                                          this field. Map.wr_tfVRft sru ied, and

                                                          !0e:ach 9~~bt1 ~elfcs facts and suggcs·

                                                          uons HJP'rovc his technique and 3bii-


                                                          Ad<is~r: Mr. Cross
                                                          V. Pro.: Eric Bm:man
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