Page 145 - The 1971 McDowell Kaldron
P. 145
Each week, the tl..1cDowcll lloys' Keglers meet at Rolling t¥::clows Bowling Alley for an afternoon of
friendly competition and enjoyment. The poor 'tf>w1£t1i-Jt/flff/41f&ch of a chance as the more advanced
1bowler; the object ts w have fun an<f!J> n~cc g~ lsp~ltsman;ftfp. The boys help l.":lCh other improve
their games, and p:micip;itc in varlo~MSa'll"-tents during the rear.
Ad1iJ1Jr: P>ul 0. Goll Su.:UrryEmcry
TmlS.: AI Plotz
Pm.: Bob Nichols
V. Pm.: John Montgomery